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MAR 14, 2014 Journal

The International Rule of Law: Law and the Limit of Politics

The international rule of law provides political resources with which states and other actors legitimize and delegitimize contending policies. The atomistic nature of the interstate ...

MAR 14, 2014 Journal

Hobbes on the International Rule of Law

The practice of state compliance with international law is not that easily demonstrated to be the product of legal constraint. Indeed, the problem goes beyond ...

MAR 14, 2014 Journal

International Law and the Mediation of Culture

This essay advances an alternative perspective on culture and international law. After exploring in greater detail determinist accounts of this relationship, I reverse the typically ...

MAR 14, 2014 Journal

Drones and the International Rule of Law

U.S. drone strikes represent a significant challenge to the international rule of law. This is not because they “violate” international law; ironically, drone strikes ...

MAR 14, 2014 Journal

Kosovo to Kadi: Legality and Legitimacy in the Contemporary International Order

Whence does international law derive its normative force as law in a world that remains, in many respects, one where legitimate politics is practiced primarily ...

MAR 14, 2014 Journal

Coalitions of the Willing and Responsibilities to Protect: Informal Associations, Enhanced Capacities, and Shared Moral Burdens

There has been widespread support for the idea that the so-called international community has a remedial moral responsibility to protect vulnerable populations from grave human ...

MAR 14, 2014 Journal

Modern Pluralism: Anglo-American Debates Since 1880, Edited by Mark Bevir

Talk of “pluralism” has become ubiquitous in political theory, but it is often vague.

MAR 10, 2014 Podcast

The Struggle for Iraq's Future: How Corruption, Incompetence and Sectarianism Have Undermined Democracy

In this bleak and revealing talk, Iraqi lawyer Zaid al-Ali provides an insider's analysis of Iraq's many failures of governance, from creating a constitution to ...

<a href="http://www.shutterstock.com/pic.mhtml?id=178530797">The Swallow's Nest, Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine</a> via Shutterstock

MAR 5, 2014 Podcast

Crisis in Ukraine: Crimean Stand-Off

In the latest Security Bulletin, Russia expert Professor Nicolai Petro speaks from Odessa in southern Ukraine on the ongoing crisis, with a particular focus on ...

MAR 4, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

Upcoming Conferences of Interest: Spring & Summer 2014

These upcoming conferences may be of interest to our readers. Be advised, some deadlines are fast approaching.