Our Podcasts

Listen to the latest insights from Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. Tune in to hear from leading experts and thinkers, identifying and addressing the most critical ethical issues of today and tomorrow.

Berkeley Pit, Montana. CREDIT: <a href="http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/image_feature_697.html">NASA</a> (<a href="http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Berkeley_Pit_Butte,_Montana.jpg">wikimedia</a>)

MAR 13, 2013 Podcast

Shefa Siegel on the Ethics of Mining

Mining harms the environment irreversibly, yet this is often ignored, and mining is on the increase, often without clear ecological or economic development benefits. "We're ...

MAR 11, 2013 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: What Will Be Hugo Chávez’s Legacy?

The world's eyes are on Venezuela as Hugo Chavez's death leaves many questions. Will he be remembered as a champion of the poor or will ...

MAR 8, 2013 Podcast

Doing Capitalism in the Innovation Economy: Markets, Speculation and the State

Economic growth is driven by successive processes of trial and error: research and invention and then experiments in exploiting the new economic space opened by ...

CREDIT: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/deadair/5841473244/">Ricardo Wang</a> (<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/deed.en">CC</a>)

MAR 8, 2013 Podcast

Ethics Matter: A Conversation on Bioethics with NASA's Paul Root Wolpe

In this eye-opening conversation, renowned bioethicist Dr. Wolpe grapples with the ethical issues raised by advances in biotechnology and neuroscience, including "brain fingerprinting" and eventual ...

MAR 4, 2013 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Is it Time to Arm the Syrian Rebels?

With the Syrian civil war about to turn two years old and the death toll approaching 70,000, some are saying it is time for the U....

Yoram Peri

FEB 25, 2013 Podcast

Behind the Headlines--After the Israeli Elections: A New Chapter or More of the Same?

Why were the recent Israeli elections results so different from expectations? Why were the main issues domestic ones, with little attention paid to Iran or ...

FEB 25, 2013 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Is Multilateralism Dead?

For years, large global organizations, like the G-20 or the UN, have failed to cooperate on major international challenges, like climate change. Is "mini-lateralism," in ...

FEB 19, 2013 Podcast

Public Affairs: China's Search for Security

In this masterly and comprehensive talk, Andrew Nathan looks at the world from Beijing's viewpoint and sees a very challenging environment for China. He identifies ...

FEB 19, 2013 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Is al-Qaeda Making a Comeback?

President Obama called al-Qaeda a "shadow of its former self," but the organization is making inroads in Mali and Algeria and some say it is ...

FEB 14, 2013 Podcast

Report from the Middle East

Chuck Freilich's knowledgeable talk gives us an overview of the primary forces at work today in the Middle East--and some potential outcomes. He also provides ...