Our Podcasts

Listen to the latest insights from Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. Tune in to hear from leading experts and thinkers, identifying and addressing the most critical ethical issues of today and tomorrow.

JUN 8, 2012 Podcast

Antonio Franceschet on the International Criminal Court

What is the role of the International Criminal Court today?  What are its strengths and limitations? In this informative interview, Professor Antonio Franceschet discusses the ...

New Age Piratism. CREDIT: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/zharth/3379104454/" target="blank">zharth</a>

JUN 8, 2012 Podcast

Law Professor Stuart Green on Property Law

A meme about illegal music downloads has been going around the Internet for a few years now. It goes something like this: Piracy isn't theft. ...

JUN 7, 2012 Podcast

Every Nation for Itself: Winners and Losers in a G-Zero World

What's a G-zero world? It's when no one takes a global leadership role, when no one is willing to, and no one is capable of ...

JUN 6, 2012 Journal Online Exclusive

“Responsibility to Protect” on Trial—or Assad?

The backlash against R2P in some quarters of the Western media continues. Now, with the situation in Syria worsening, critics have focused on the ...

JUN 6, 2012 Podcast

Supply Chain Accountability

How can ethical practices be made an integral part of overseas supply chains? Here's reporter Charles Duhigg on how habits can impact the ethical behavior ...

JUN 1, 2012 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Is a "Kill List" of Terrorists Ethical?

After a recent "New York Times" story on Obama's "kill list" of terrorists, many are questioning the president's counterterrorism strategy. Is it ethical for President ...

MAY 31, 2012 Journal Online Exclusive

The War on Somali Piracy

MAY 29, 2012 Podcast

Exit Interview

Overall, former president of ABC News David Westin is optimistic about the future of journalism. But it's increasingly up to us, the public, to weigh ...

MAY 25, 2012 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: What Does Chen Guangcheng's Arrival in the U.S. Mean for Human Rights in China?

With Chen Guangcheng now in the United States on a student visa, a diplomatic nightmare has been averted for the Obama administration. But this compromise ...

MAY 22, 2012 Podcast

The Intersection of Global Health and Business

How can global health be improved?  PepsiCo executive Derek Yach speaks about the positive changes corporations are making, and Professor Yanzhong Huang discusses China's health ...