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APR 19, 2012 Journal Online Exclusive


Ethics & International Affairs launches new website and blog.

Human Rights Watch World Report 2012 - Events of 2011

APR 17, 2012 Podcast

Human Rights Watch World Report 2012

How have governments responded to the recent events in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and other countries such as Bahrain?  Ken Roth of Human Rights Watch gives ...

APR 13, 2012 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Do Super-Maximum Security Prisons Constitute Cruel and Unusual Punishment?

A surprise ruling from the European Court of Human Rights could send five terror suspects to a super-maximum security prison in the United States. Is ...

APR 11, 2012 Podcast

Prakash Sethi on Apple's Labor Standards

Does Apple's number one status mean that it has special responsibilities for the labor practices of its Chinese manufacturers? And to what extent is one ...

APR 9, 2012 Podcast

No One's World: The West, the Rising Rest, and the Coming Global Turn

How do we manage a world where no one power is dominant, and emerging powers have their own views about how to organize political, social, ...

APR 9, 2012 Podcast

New Models for Corporate Giving

Two experts from the world of philanthropy discuss a new kind of corporate citizenship. Today, companies are increasingly making more sophisticated contributions that build on ...

APR 5, 2012 Journal

Dilemmas and Connections: Selected Essays by Charles Taylor

The publication of these essays by the philosopher Charles Taylor in a single volume gives readers access to his understanding of late-modern societies. Like his ...

APR 5, 2012 Journal

The Offensive Internet: Speech, Privacy, and Reputation Edited by Saul Levmore and Martha Nussbaum

In this new volume, two distinguished University of Chicago law professors have joined forces to edit a provocatively titled collection of essays about the Internet. ...

APR 5, 2012 Journal

Terror, Religion, and Liberal Thought by Richard B. Miller

Addressing a set of normative questions surrounding the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Richard B. Miller takes as his starting point the claim that “9/11 raises moral questions about ...