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MAR 29, 2012 Journal

Almost Saving Whales: The Ambiguity of Success at the International Whaling Commission [Full Text]

BY IAN HURD. The international regulation of whaling has been a tremendous success. Yet the international organization responsible for this success is in crisis.

MAR 27, 2012 Journal


The ICC is the product of gradual normative changes in world politics since World War II. Since the founding of the United Nations, traditional practices ...

MAR 27, 2012 Journal

The International Criminal Court’s Provisional Authority to Coerce

Drawing on Immanuel Kant’s political theory, I outline two reasons the ICC’s coercive authority matters for its practical and political success. First, for ...

MAR 27, 2012 Journal

Why the International Criminal Court Must Pretend to Ignore Politics

While pretending that political factors are irrelevant may appear dishonest, and therefore unethical, forcing the court to pretend to rely on exclusively legal reasons for ...

MAR 27, 2012 Journal

The ICC’s Potential for Doing Bad When Pursuing Good

In this essay I outline three possible negative consequences that could, if they constitute preponderant outcomes, indicate that the court is failing to serve an ...

MAR 27, 2012 Journal

Why the ICC Should Operate Within Peace Processes

This essay makes a consequentialist case against the strict separation of law from politics, particularly in situations of ongoing political violence. In part, this is ...

MAR 27, 2012 Journal

A Brief Response to Michael Ignatieff

For me, the challenge for those committed to a global ethic is not to make better arguments, to point out more contradictions, to seek greater ...

MAR 27, 2012 Journal

The Dialogue of Global Ethics

True to the spirit of Isaiah Berlin, Ignatieff’s is a cosmopolitanism shorn of any totalizing impulse. Its ultimate value is dialogue; its ultimate requirement ...

MAR 27, 2012 Journal

Toward a Global Ethic

In this essay I will not address the content of a global ethic—that is, the particular rights and responsibilities it assigns—but shall instead ...

MAR 27, 2012 Journal

A Global Ethic and the Hybrid Character of the Moral World