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APR 6, 2011 Journal

From the Editor [Full Text]

Twenty-five years ago the Carnegie Council published the first issue of Ethics & International Affairs with the aim of addressing head-on the intersection of these two ...

Flag of Egypt all over Tahrir Square by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/ramyraoof/5436339799/" target=_blank">Ramy Raoof </a>

APR 6, 2011 Podcast

The Arab Uprisings: The View from Cairo

As president of the American University of Cairo, Lisa Anderson was a witness to the recent protests in Tahrir Square. In this fascinating talk, she ...

APR 5, 2011 Podcast

One Nation Under Surveillance: A New Social Contract to Defend Freedom Without Sacrificing Liberty

The boundaries between public and private are crumbling fast, often with the active or passive consent of those whose privacy is breached. What limits, if ...

APR 3, 2011 Podcast

Captain James Staples on International Piracy

Everyone knows that the only real solution to piracy in the Indian Ocean is to stabilize Somalia and revive its economy, says Merchant Marine Captain ...

APR 1, 2011 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: The Impact of Dependence on Oil

Oil is cost-efficient as a primary energy source--in the short term. Long-term, however, oil poses economic risks and damages the environment. Should we allow markets ...

APR 1, 2011 Journal

Spring 2011 (25.1)

Joel Rosenthal

MAR 25, 2011 Podcast

Rahim Kanani Interviews Joel Rosenthal

Joel Rosenthal gives his assessment of President Obama's foreign policy, the Middle East and North Africa protests, the WikiLeaks revelations, U.S. leadership in the ...

MAR 25, 2011 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Nuclear Power's Future

Due to the high demand of energy, competitive costs, and environmental concerns, nuclear power seemed like a reasonable option. The earthquake and tsunami in Japan ...

MAR 24, 2011 Podcast

Swan Paik on Nike Foundation and the Girl Effect

Women and girls are a powerful accelerator for change, says Nike Foundation's Swan Paik. By allowing girls to fall through irreversible trap doors in adolescence, ...

Ahmed Rashid

MAR 22, 2011 Podcast

Behind the Headlines: Pakistan

With its mix of militants, nuclear weapons, and chronic domestic unrest, Pakistan's problems have implications for the entire world. Prize-winning author and journalist Ahmed Rashid ...