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DEC 15, 2009 Journal

Universal Human Rights in a World of Difference by Brooke A. Ackerly

In a book full of thought-provoking questions for theorists of human rights, Ackerly presents an "account of the normative legitimacy of human rights" that is ...

DEC 15, 2009 Journal

Ethics of Global Development: Agency, Capability, and Deliberative Democracy by David A. Crocker

This book is highly recommended to anyone who wants to know what development ethics has to offer, or who wants to engage with arguments on ...

DEC 15, 2009 Journal

Messy Morality: The Challenge of Politics by C. A. J. Coady

The principal and worthwhile contribution of this book is to resituate the debate about moral realism where it belongs, in terms of its pragmatic employment ...

DEC 15, 2009 Journal

The Religious in Responses to Mass Atrocity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives Edited by Thomas Brudholm and Thomas Cushman

What is the contribution of religious discourse to a productive and reconciliatory response to mass atrocities? In this wide-ranging book, scholars address the philosophical, ethical, ...

DEC 15, 2009 Journal

War, Torture and Terrorism: Rethinking the Rules of International Security Edited by Anthony F. Lang, Jr., and Amanda Russell Beattie

This volume provides a fresh and engaging set of discussions, approaches, and case studies on how rules established to promote peaceful international order can instead ...

DEC 15, 2009 Journal

In Pursuit of Peace

Traditional international relations scholarship has concentrated on war, but has not provided deep theoretical consideration of the concept of peace.While the focus of each ...

DEC 15, 2009 Journal

An Ethic of Political Reconciliation

The core proposition of this article is that reconciliation, both as a process and an end state, is a concept of justice. Its animating virtue ...

DEC 15, 2009 Journal

Categorizing Groups, Categorizing States: Theorizing Minority Rights in a World of Deep Diversity

Kymlicka believes that it is Walzer's idiosyncratic approach to categorization—more than his controversial theory of justice-as-common-meanings—which explains his relatively marginal role in the ...

DEC 15, 2009 Journal

A Few Words on Mill, Walzer, and Nonintervention

Comparing Mill's "Non-Intervention" and Walzer's "Just and Unjust Wars" (1977) links two classic statements on just wars of intervention. Doyle concludes that interventionist arguments should go ...

DEC 15, 2009 Journal

The Moral Standing of States Revisited

"The Moral Standing of States" is the title of an essay Michael Walzer wrote in response to four critics of the theory of nonintervention defended ...