Our Podcasts

Listen to the latest insights from Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. Tune in to hear from leading experts and thinkers, identifying and addressing the most critical ethical issues of today and tomorrow.

Power Rules: How Common Sense Can Rescue American Foreign Policy

OCT 16, 2009 Podcast

Power Rules: How Common Sense Can Rescue American Foreign Policy

How can America build partnerships and coalitions to solve today's global problems? Will the nation continue to dominate world affairs, or are we fast approaching ...

OCT 16, 2009 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Award Achievement or Encourage Potential: The Nobel's Purpose?

When choosing Nobel Peace Prize winners, should the Nobel Committee think of the future, using the Nobel's prestige to encourage peace-making? Or should they identify ...

Worse Than War: Genocide, Eliminationism, and the Ongoing Assault on Humanity

OCT 16, 2009 Podcast

Worse Than War: Genocide, Eliminationism, and the Ongoing Assault on Humanity

Rwanda, Bosnia, Cambodia, Darfur, Congo, and more--since World War II, genocide has caused more deaths than all wars put together. Goldhagen analyzes how and why ...

OCT 13, 2009 Podcast

The Science of War: Defense Budgeting, Military Technology, Logistics, and Combat Outcomes

Michael O'Hanlon explains how military modeling and planning are done, taking as examples Desert Storm, the Iraq War, and the decisions to be made now ...

OCT 9, 2009 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: When Your Island Sinks

By 2050 some estimate that climate change will displace 150 million people, but the displaced won't qualify as refugees under international law. What should be done about ...

The Idea of Justice

OCT 8, 2009 Podcast

The Idea of Justice

The traditional theory of social justice is out of touch with practical realities, says Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen. Instead he proposes a theory of comparative ...

OCT 7, 2009 Podcast

Hilary Charlesworth on Bills of Rights

What does a country gain by enacting a bill of rights? Do countries that lack bills of rights, like Australia, protect human rights as well ...

OCT 6, 2009 Podcast

Crude World: The Violent Twilight of Oil

From Ecuador to Nigeria, in most oil-producing countries oil has not brought any benefits to the poor and has often damaged people's health and ruined ...

The Predictioneers Game: Using the Logic of Brazen Self-Interest to See and Shape the Future

OCT 6, 2009 Podcast

The Predictioneer's Game: Using the Logic of Brazen Self-Interest to See and Shape the Future

Iran, Iraq, Israel, and North Korea--all are rational players, acting in their own self-interest as they perceive it, and with game theory we can predict ...

OCT 2, 2009 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Whose Art Is It?

Should cultural treasures, acquired under dubious circumstances, be returned to their places of origin?