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SEP 11, 2009 Journal

The Rise of the Global Imaginary: Political Ideologies from the French Revolution to the Global War on Terror by Manfred B. Steger

Faced with the political, economic, and social challenges of a globalized planet, are we bereft of any coherent political guideposts or do we still possess ...

SEP 11, 2009 Journal

What's Wrong with the United Nations and How to Fix It by Thomas G. Weiss

Drawing on his own UN experience and studying it from outside, Weiss clears away a lot of the debris of superficial critiques to uncover the ...

SEP 11, 2009 Journal

On Torture Edited by Thomas C. Hilde

This edited collection is an excellent addition to the literature on the torture policy of the Bush administration during its war on terror. The contributors ...

SEP 11, 2009 Journal

The Right to Relocation: Disappearing Island Nations and Common Ownership of the Earth

Risse is concerned with humanity's common ownership of the earth, which has implications for a range of global problems. In particular, it helps illuminate the ...

SEP 11, 2009 Journal

Justice and the Convention on Biological Diversity

By legislating for a system of justice-in-exchange covering nonhuman biological resources in preference to a free-for-all situation, the Convention on Biological Diversity provides a small ...

SEP 11, 2009 Journal

Treaty Norms and Climate Change Mitigation

UNFCCC norms tightly constrain the range of acceptable agreements for the distribution of burdens to mitigate climate change, restricting us to two viable guiding principles: ...

SEP 11, 2009 Journal

Pious Words, Puny Deeds: The "International Community" and Mass Atrocities [Full Text]

Most of the large-scale violence in the world will continue to occur within societies rather than between or among states. Yet the international community still ...

SEP 11, 2009 Journal

More Money, Less Cure: Why Global Health Assistance Needs Restructuring

Is more money for global health always good news? No, argues Esser, who suggests that many of the problems that plague decision-making in global health ...

SEP 9, 2009 Podcast

Realism as Pragmatic Cooperation

Remedies to global challengesĀ areĀ less about romantic dreams to improve the world and more about pragmatism and sustainability. The pragmatic and ethical thing to ...

SEP 9, 2009 Podcast

Afghanistan and Japan: Joel Rosenthal on Public Television

What impact will the recent elections in Afghanistan and Japan have on U.S. interests? Joel Rosenthal is interviewed on Worldfocus, along with Carol Giacomo ...