Our Podcasts

Listen to the latest insights from Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. Tune in to hear from leading experts and thinkers, identifying and addressing the most critical ethical issues of today and tomorrow.

SEP 4, 2009 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Forest Preservation

How do we put value on the forests as an indispensable element of our survival? Can we balance market mechanisms with regulations and consumption with ...

SEP 3, 2009 Podcast

Interview with Julius Walls, Jr., CEO, Greyston Bakery

Greyston Bakery was started on the premise of bringing the unemployed into the workforce. In fact the company's motto is, "We don't hire people to ...

SEP 2, 2009 Podcast

Joel Rosenthal Interviews Thomas Griffith: When Is Military Outsourcing Appropriate?

When is outsourcing appropriate? asks Griffith. We need to be thinking more deeply about what using military contractors means for the U.S. in terms ...

SEP 2, 2009 Podcast

Jeffrey McCausland Interviews Eric "Rick" Olson: The Role of Military Contractors

"I just couldn't conceive of a battlefield now without contractors," says Olson, former Major General in the U.S. army and now an independent defense ...

SEP 2, 2009 Podcast

Joel Rosenthal Interviews Colonel Thomas X. Hammes: Unexplored Issues Regarding Military Contractors

Military contractors bring up many issues which have not been fully explored, says Hammes; loyalty, for example. While we can expect great loyalty from U....

AUG 28, 2009 Podcast

Ecological Intervention

Do states have a responsibility to protect the planet? If so, who would decide when environmental protection is a legitimate reason to interfere in the ...

AUG 25, 2009 Podcast

Interview with Robert S. Harrison, CEO, Clinton Global Initiative

"I hope that CGI is able to serve as the catalyst for action, the group that is essentially creating a market between companies and governments ...

AUG 22, 2009 Podcast

Michael Selgelid on Infectious Diseases

Can we infringe individual rights to promote public health? Should, say, people be allowed to decide for themselves when they are too infectious to get ...

AUG 21, 2009 Podcast

Global Migration: Open the Doors or Build the Walls?

Do immigrants help or hurt America? Closed borders cut off the world's best and brightest, while open borders may invite the world's desperate, criminal, and ...

AUG 18, 2009 Podcast

Interview with Seth Merrin of Liquidnet Holdings

Seth Merrin is the CEO and founder of Liquidnet, a successful investment firm which gives 1 percent of its pretax income to philanthropic initiatives. Here Merrin ...