Our Podcasts

Listen to the latest insights from Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. Tune in to hear from leading experts and thinkers, identifying and addressing the most critical ethical issues of today and tomorrow.

AUG 6, 2008 Podcast

David Speedie Interviews Susan Eisenhower

Senior Fellow David Speedie interviews Susan Eisenhower, granddaughter of President Eisenhower and USSR and Russian specialist, about Russia's current place in the world and its ...

JUL 31, 2008 Podcast

Cyberethics: The Emerging Codes of Online Conduct

A panel of old and new media experts explore the changing communications landscape as new media grows in different directions and becomes more and more ...

JUL 22, 2008 Podcast

Devin Stewart Interviews Jeff Hittner of IBM

Jeff Hittner, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Leader for the IBM Global Business Services, gives examples of how CSR is not a company expense or philanthropic ...

JUL 11, 2008 Podcast

The Rise of the Rest II: How the Ascent of Russia and China Affects Global Business and Security

From economic growth to cultural exports, the global distribution of power is shifting from "the West" to the rest of the world. This panel addresses ...

JUL 8, 2008 Podcast

Torture, Rights, and Values: Why the Prohibition of Torture is Absolute

Rodin's premise is that if we have a commitment against torture, then it leads to an absolute prohibition on torture. Luban worries that our commitment ...

JUL 2, 2008 Podcast

"Hikikomori" and Japan's Role in the World

Michael Zielenziger discusses Japan's hikikomori, bright young people who opt to live as shut-ins because they don't fit in a society of high conformity and ...

image of book cover -The Arab Center: The Promise of Moderation

JUN 23, 2008 Podcast

The Arab Center: The Promise of Moderation

"To be a moderate in the Arab world today," says Jordanian diplomat Marwan Muasher, "is to be a very, very tiny minority." The reason is ...

JUN 20, 2008 Podcast

The Economic and Strategic Rise of China and India: Asian Realignments after the 1997 Financial Crisis

David Denoon argues that although China's rise has received much attention, much less has been given to the relative decline of the Pacific Rim states ...

JUN 18, 2008 Podcast

The Future of the Automobile

General Motors' Larry Burns envisions the future: Electric cars that will deliver today's freedoms at more reasonable prices, and without today's environmental, safety, and congestion ...

Detail from book cover.

JUN 17, 2008 Podcast

Petrostate: Putin, Power, and the New Russia

"There's no one to talk to since Mahatma Gandhi died," sighs Putin. In a funny and frightening talk, Marshall Goldman unravels the tangled links between ...