Our Podcasts

Listen to the latest insights from Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. Tune in to hear from leading experts and thinkers, identifying and addressing the most critical ethical issues of today and tomorrow.

DEC 17, 2007 Podcast

Responsible Profit: Crafting a Fair Climate Agreement

Nikhil Chandavarkar of the UN says Developed countries focus on mitigation and absolute emissions levels, whereas developing countries cite their low per capita emissions and ...

DEC 12, 2007 Podcast

Pakistan: The Struggle Between Politics and Extremism

Created as a Muslim state 60 years ago this August, Pakistan is in crisis, wrestling with Draconian laws, the conflict between secularism and Islam, and an ...

DEC 12, 2007 Podcast

Trade Imbalance: The Struggle to Weigh Human Rights Concerns in Trade Policymaking

Is trade the best tool to achieve human rights objectives? Which human rights and for whom? Do trade agreements enhance or undermine the process? Susan ...

DEC 10, 2007 Podcast

Towards a New Culture of International Relations: Rights and Responsibilities of the Individual in Multilateral Decision-Making

We need to involve individuals more and give a lot of what we call our sovereignty to the individual, says Kerim. Shared responsibilities should be ...

DEC 7, 2007 Podcast

Branded! How the Certification Revolution is Transforming Global Corporations

Michael Conroy discusses how certification systems, market campaigns, and champions within corporations are driving a major shift in global corporate accountability on social and environmental ...

DEC 6, 2007 Podcast

The First Campaign: Globalization, the Web, and the Race for the White House

The Internet has transformed the election process, says Graff, and whether candidates like it or not, fundraising and campaigning will never be the same again.

DEC 4, 2007 Podcast

Connected: 24 Hours in the Global Economy

Altman stayed awake for 24 hours tuned to the wire services to study the global economy. He discusses the growing clout of emerging economies, the business ...

DEC 1, 2007 Journal

Winter 2007 (21.4)

NOV 29, 2007 Podcast

Why Cooperate? The Incentive to Supply Global Public Goods

Deflecting asteroids, eradicating polio, coordinating international time, mitigating climate change--Scott Barrett explains the different incentives and actors needed to supply these global public goods, where ...

NOV 29, 2007 Podcast

Finance as a Tool of National Security: Update on the Effort to Combat Terror Financing

Levitt discusses the behind-the-scenes work that Treasury is doing to cut off funds for terrorism, with particular focus on Iran.