Our Podcasts

Listen to the latest insights from Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. Tune in to hear from leading experts and thinkers, identifying and addressing the most critical ethical issues of today and tomorrow.

SEP 27, 2005 Podcast

Imperial Grunts: The American Military on the Ground

Robert D. Kaplan provides an insider's account of our current involvement in world affairs, as well as painting a vivid picture of how defense policy ...

image of book cover The Serenity Prayer: Faith and Politics in Times of Peace and War by Elisabeth Sifton

SEP 20, 2005 Podcast

Radical Truths of Christian Realism: The Legacy of Reinhold Niebuhr

Elisabeth Sifton, Reinhold Niebuhr's daughter, reviews her father's legacy and concludes that many of today's Christian leaders are ignoring the radical truths he espoused.

Global Responsibilities, Andrew Kuper ed.

SEP 19, 2005 Podcast

Global Responsibilities: How Can Multinational Corporations Deliver on Human Rights?

Who has the responsibility to alleviate poverty and uphold human rights in a globalized world where corporations often wield more power than nation-states?

The Cube and the Cathedral: Europe, America and Politics Without God by George Weigel

SEP 15, 2005 Podcast

The Cube and the Cathedral: Europe, America and Politics Without God

George Weigel ponders the growing--and to him acutely disturbing--secularity of Europe, which he believes raises urgent questions about the future of democracy worldwide.

SEP 15, 2005 Podcast

Evangelical Reflections on the U.S. Role In the World

A discussion of the growing importance of religious groups in advancing international human rights causes, from the Sudan to Korea.

Squandered Victory: The American Occupation and the Bungled Effort to Bring Democracy to Iraq by Larry Diamond

JUN 14, 2005 Podcast

Squandered Victory: The American Occupation and the Bungled Effort to Bring Democracy to Iraq

After a recent visit to Iraq, Larry Diamond reflects sadly on how we have allowed the situation "to slip into a state of severe insecurity, ...

JUN 8, 2005 Podcast

Globalization: What's New?

William Easterly, Joseph Stiglitz, and Michael Weinstein discuss the main features of globalization, asking what is new, what drives the process, how it changes politics, ...

Three Billion New Capitalists: The Great Shift of Wealth and Power to the East by Clyde Prestowitz

JUN 1, 2005 Podcast

Three Billion New Capitalists: The Great Shift of Wealth and Power to the East

Economist Clyde Prestowitz believes that the United States is sliding toward economic decline under globalization, arguing that these trends are creating not only increased economic ...

The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by War

MAY 17, 2005 Podcast

The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by War (2005)

Bacevich argues that military force has increasingly become the preferred instrument of American foreign policy, a process that began not with 9/11, but with the end ...

The New American Militarism

MAY 17, 2005 Podcast

Conversation with Andrew Bacevich on "The New American Militarism"

"Family values", says Bacevich, used to apply to domestic politics; "but today this concept is aligned with a foreign policy agenda based on a belief ...