Our Podcasts

Listen to the latest insights from Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. Tune in to hear from leading experts and thinkers, identifying and addressing the most critical ethical issues of today and tomorrow.

JUN 13, 2002 Podcast

The North Korean Food Crisis

Hazel Smith has been working and visiting North Korea for over a decade, one of the few foreigners to have first-hand knowledge of the ...

MAY 8, 2002 Podcast

The Mystery of Capital: Interview with Hernando de Soto

Carnegie Council's Christian Barry follows up with Hernando de Soto on several of the issues he had raised in his Morgenthau Lecture, focusing on questions ...

APR 15, 2002 Podcast

Behind the Scenes with Al-Jazeera

Journalists el-Nawawy and Farag give the inside story on the Qatar-based satellite TV station Al-Jazeera and the impact it has had on how Arab culture ...

APR 4, 2002 Podcast

Whom Do the Terrorists Represent? (New York Forum #2)

Whom do the terrorists speak for—do they speak for anyone? And do our answers to these questions affect what the U.S. and its ...

MAR 6, 2002 Podcast

After September 11: Shifting Priorities for Global Justice (New York Forum #4)

How should nation-states and other actors balance responsibilities to mitigate unnecessary suffering worldwide with obligations to promote security and ensure justice for victims of terrorist ...

FEB 20, 2002 Podcast

Ending Terrorism: A Strategy for the Future (New York Forum #3)

The U.S. has set out to end terrorism. But can it achieve this objective while also maintaining a strategic balance in an area of ...

JAN 7, 2002 Podcast

Ethics and Military Force: The Jus in Bello

Professor Schmitt of the German-American Marshall Center discusses the intersection of law and ethics in the use of military force. He explores some important "stressors" ...

DEC 17, 2001 Podcast

The "War" on Terrorism: What Rules Apply? (New York Forum #1)

The attacks of September 11 have been described, variously, as "crimes," "acts of war," or "genocide." Does characterizing the attacks in these different ways change the ...

NOV 19, 2001 Podcast

Holy War, Inc.: Inside the Secret World of Osama bin Laden

Who is bin Laden? What drives him? Peter Bergen is one of the few Westerners who has interviewed bin Laden face to face. He has ...

NOV 13, 2001 Podcast

The New Moral Climate for the Use of Force

The U.S. needs new rules of force to fight President Bush's "war on terror" and 21st century threats, says General Shelton in his keynote ...