Our Podcasts

Listen to the latest insights from Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. Tune in to hear from leading experts and thinkers, identifying and addressing the most critical ethical issues of today and tomorrow.

FEB 10, 2020 Journal Online Exclusive

Gallagher's Proposal and Emerging Narratives

FEB 7, 2020 Journal Online Exclusive

As Biden Stalls, Is the "Restorationist" Narrative Losing Ground?

FEB 5, 2020 Podcast

Democratic Candidates & Foreign Policy after Iowa, with Nikolas Gvosdev

With the (incomplete) results of the Iowa Caucus putting the spotlight on Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders, what do we know about their foreign policy ...

FEB 5, 2020 Journal Online Exclusive

The Coronavirus and Trust in the Process of International Cooperation: A System Under Pressure

On January 30, 2020, the WHO Director-General declared the coronavirus outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) under the International Health Regulations. How do we ...

FEB 4, 2020 Podcast

Do Morals Matter? Presidents & Foreign Policy from FDR to Trump, with Joseph Nye

How much do morals matter for U.S. presidents when it comes to international affairs? What are the ethics of "America First" or 2003 invasion of ...

Ottoman Empire map with partitions, part of the memoranda for the 1919 Paris Peace Conference. CREDIT: <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Peace-conference-memoranda-respecting-syria-arabia-palestine5.jpg">Stanfords Geographical Establishment London/Public Domain</a>

JAN 31, 2020 Podcast

The Crack-Up: The Birth of the Modern Middle East, with Ted Widmer

At the end of World War I, colonial powers carved up the Ottoman Empire and the reverberations are still being felt today. Historian Ted Widmer ...

JAN 30, 2020 Journal Online Exclusive

Hybrid Narratives and Competing with China

The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) has released its Congressionally-requested report on what the American approach ought to be in order to cope ...

Harry S. Truman Building in Washington, DC, headquarters of the U.S. Department of State. CREDIT: <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:State_Department.jpg">Loren (CC)</a>

JAN 28, 2020 Podcast

Carnegie New Leaders Interview: Moving Foreign Policy Forward, with Elmira Bayrasli

In discussion with Brian Mateo, a member of the Carnegie New Leaders program, Elmira Bayrasli discusses her work as CEO of Foreign Policy Interrupted, an ...

U.S. Army soldiers in Iraq, March 2008. CREDIT: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/soldiersmediacenter/2340862578">The U.S. Army</a> <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/">(CC)</a>

JAN 27, 2020 Podcast

Just War, Unjust Soldiers, & American Public Opinion, with Scott D. Sagan

Do soldiers fighting for a "just cause" have more rights than soldiers fighting on the other side? In this interview following up on an "Ethics & ...

JAN 27, 2020 Journal Online Exclusive

Just War, Unjust Soldiers, & American Public Opinion, with Scott D. Sagan

In this podcast interview Scott Sagan discusses issues of just war, war crimes, moral licensing, and much more.