Our Podcasts

Listen to the latest insights from Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. Tune in to hear from leading experts and thinkers, identifying and addressing the most critical ethical issues of today and tomorrow.

Joe Biden in Iowa, July 2019. CREDIT: <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Joe_Biden_with_supporters_-_48243819806.jpg">Gage Skidmore/(CC)</a>

AUG 22, 2019 Podcast

The 2020 Election & the View from Overseas, with Nikolas Gvosdev

As the 2020 election begins to come into focus, Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev details the foreign policy cleavages in the Democratic Party. Plus, referencing Nahal Toosi's ...

AUG 21, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

The Ethics of Trade with China and Authoritarian Upgrading

In an earlier posting, I discussed some of the ethical frameworks for assessing the trade war with China, themes that were expanded upon in a ...

President Trump departing China, November 2017. CREDIT: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/whitehouse/26541431789">The White House/Public Domain</a>

AUG 20, 2019 Podcast

Ethics & the U.S.-China Trade War, with Nikolas Gvosdev

What role should ethics play in the U.S.-China trade war? Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev looks at these economic tensions in the context of ...

AUG 19, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

Beyond Trump

AUG 19, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

Ethical Considerations in a Trade War with China

Are there ethical considerations that need to be factored in as part of assessing the merits of a "trade war" with the People's Republic of ...

CREDIT: <a href="https://pixabay.com/illustrations/artificial-intelligence-brain-think-3382510/">Pixabay</a>

AUG 7, 2019 Podcast

AI & Human Rights: The Practical & Philosophical Dimensions, with Mathias Risse

Mathias Risse, director of Harvard Kennedy School's Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, discusses the many connections between artificial intelligence and human rights. From practical ...

JUL 30, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

Democratic Candidates and Foreign Policy

JUL 30, 2019 Podcast

Working Toward an "Open Knowledge" Future, with Catherine Stihler

Catherine Stihler, CEO of Open Knowledge Foundation, talks about how she is working toward an "open world where all non-personal information is free for everyone ...

JUL 24, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

Sri Lanka 2.0: Independent Inquiry Shows UN “Systemic Failure” in Myanmar

A recent independent inquiry into the involvement of the UN in Myanmar from 2010 to 2018 assigns collective responsibility for the atrocities committed during the 2017 Rohingya crisis ...

JUL 23, 2019 Podcast

A New Era of Cyberwarfare, with Arun Vishwanath

When the United States launched a massive cyberattack against Iran last month, it heralded "a new age of Internet warfare," says cybersecurity expert Arun Vishwanath. ...