Our Podcasts

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MAR 9, 2018 Journal

Selling the Future: The Perils of Predicting Global Politics by Ariel Colonomos

In this book, Ariel Colonomos discusses the details of how the future is told in three major domains—academia, think tanks, and credit agencies—and ...

MAR 9, 2018 Journal

The Global Health Crisis: Ethical Responsibilities by Thana Cristina de Campos

In this book, Thana Cristina de Campos focuses on identifying the moral responsibilities of nonstate actors, particularly the pharmaceutical industry, in the field of global ...

MAR 9, 2018 Journal

Environmental Success Stories: Solving Major Ecological Problems & Confronting Climate Change by Frank M. Dunnivant

Global environmental challenges such as climate change are sometimes viewed as so daunting and complex that we can only aim to mitigate rather than solve ...

MAR 9, 2018 Journal

Briefly Noted: Dictators without Borders and The Fateful Triangle

The editors review two recent books, Dictators without Borders: Power and Money in Central Asia, and The Fateful Triangle: Race, Ethnicity, Nation.

Melanne Verveer. CREDIT: Billy Pickett.

MAR 8, 2018 Podcast

Economics, Peace, Security, and "Women's Issues" with Ambassador Melanne Verveer

We have made tremendous progress, but there's still a long way to go, says Melanne Verveer, head of Georgetown's Institute for Women, Peace and Security ...

MAR 7, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

American Engagement: Dialogue with the Newport Circle of Scholars

Amy Chua. CREDIT: Amanda Ghanooni

MAR 7, 2018 Podcast

Political Tribes: Group Instinct and the Fate of Nations, with Amy Chua

"The United States today is starting to display destructive political dynamics much more typically associated with developing countries: ethno-nationalist movements, the erosion of trust in ...

MAR 6, 2018 Podcast

Is Indonesia Becoming Like Pakistan? with Andreas Harsono

The maximum penalty for blasphemy in Pakistan is death, and public protest is not allowed. Indonesia is nowhere near as bad as this--yet. "Indonesia is ...

Detail from book cover

MAR 5, 2018 Podcast

Necessary Evil: How to Fix Finance by Saving Human Rights, with David Kinley

Rich and poor, we're all dependent on the global financial system and it can be a force for good, says human rights law professor David ...

Timothy Snyder. CREDIT: Amanda Ghanooni.

FEB 27, 2018 Podcast

On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century, with Timothy Snyder

Can tyranny happen here? asks historian Timothy Snyder. His chilling answer is, "it can happen, it happens to people like us, and it is happening ...