Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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SEP 26, 2019 Podcast

Climate Change Law, Island Nations, & the UN, with Maxine Burkett

University of Hawaii's Professor Maxine Burkett discusses climate change from a legal perspective in this timely conversation. What are some strategies that island nations like ...

Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan in California. CREDIT: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/mypubliclands/29730317151">Bureau of Land Management/Tom Brewster Photography</a> <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/">(CC)</a>

SEP 23, 2019 Podcast

Solar Dominance + Citizen Action: Solving Climate Change By 2030, with Eban Goodstein

Can new developments in solar technology put the United States on track to produce 50 percent of its energy with renewables by 2030? What global citizen actions ...

Ethiopia, during a drought in 2016. CREDIT: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/unicefethiopia/24714637829">UNICEF Ethiopia</a> <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/">(CC)</a>

SEP 20, 2019 Article

A Case for Giving Climate Migrants Protected Legal Status

With climate change already affecting vast regions of the planet, Bard College's Brian Mateo makes the case for expanding legal protections for refugees to include ...

U.S. servicemembers load humanitarian relief supplies for victims of Cyclone Nargis. Yokota Air Base, Japan, 2008. CREDIT: <a href=https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:080512-F-1590C-553_Loading_relief_supplies_at_U-Tapao.jpg>U.S. Air Force (CC)</a>.

SEP 20, 2019 Article

Need for a New Consensus

Foreign policy experts are having difficulty linking the negative implications of a shift towards trasactionalism for U.S. foreign aid to voters. This begs the ...

SEP 18, 2019 Podcast

The End of the U.S.-Taliban Talks? with Jonathan Cristol

Despite progress over the last year, Donald Trump effectively ended the latest round of U.S.-Taliban negotiations with a tweet earlier this month. Will ...