Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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U.S. Soldier with Afghan-American interpreter in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. CREDIT: U.S. Armed Forces via <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:U.S._Soldier_with_an_Afghan_American_interpreter.jpg">Wikimedia Commons</a>

MAY 13, 2019 Article

Immigration: A National Security Imperative

"The U.S. intelligence community is dependent on immigration to maintain language and cultural skills that protect American lives every day," writes military veteran Philip ...

MAY 10, 2019 Podcast

Indonesia's General Election, with Marcus Mietzner

Marcus Mietzner of Australian National University speaks with Senior Fellow Devin Stewart about the results of the general election last month in Indonesia, one that ...

Josephine Marrocco.  CREDIT: Amanda Ghanooni

MAY 10, 2019 Article

Sex, Drugs, and Propaganda: Why AIDS Persists in the Russian Federation

On May 3, 2019, Josephine Marrocco's presentation on HIV/AIDS in Russia was selected as the winner of the Council's fifth annual Student Research Conference. Afterwards, Carnegie ...

MAY 9, 2019 Podcast

Global Ethics Weekly: Ethics, Politics, & the Veteran Community, with Reed Bonadonna

Senior Fellow Reed Bonadonna, a retired U.S. Marine Corps colonel, discusses the role of ethics in the transition to civilian life. With presidents Eisenhower ...

MAY 8, 2019 Article

What Americans Want

The Center for American Progress has released their exhaustive survey of what Americans want in foreign policy and their results track closely with the conclusions ...