Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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MAR 25, 2019 Article

Coherence and Comprehensiveness: An American Foreign Policy Imperative

As the United States now confronts the prospect of a multi-faceted and quite possibly generational competition with China—underscored not only by recent Trump Administration ...

MAR 22, 2019 Article

America in Decline?

A Pew Research report says that many Americans view the country as being in long-term decline. What implications does this have for U.S. foreign ...

Elephant Butte Dam on the Rio Grande, central New Mexico (with low water level) CREDIT: David Groenfeldt

MAR 21, 2019 Article

On World Water Day: Think Globally, Act Ethically

"On this World Water Day (March 22) we urgently need a campaign to disrupt global complacency about protecting the planet's water. We adults, who are in ...

MAR 21, 2019 Podcast

Global Ethics Weekly: The Christchurch Attack & Immigration Policies, with Kavitha Rajagopalan

A week after the horrific terrorist attack on two New Zealand mosques, Carnegie Council Senior Fellow Kavitha Rajagopalan discusses immigration policies and xenophobia in Australia ...

MAR 20, 2019 Podcast

Computational Propaganda, with Nick Monaco

In this in-depth conversation, Oxford Internet Institute researcher Nick Monaco reviews the history of computational propaganda (online disinformation), which goes back almost two decades and ...