Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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Devin Stewart and Ian Bremmer. CREDIT: Amanda Ghanooni.

JAN 16, 2019 Podcast

Top Risks and Ethical Decisions 2019, with Ian Bremmer

The wide array of global issues--more than 90 percent of them--that Eurasia Group follows are now headed in the wrong direction in 2019. Eurasia Group president Ian ...

Ian Bremmer and Tom Nichols. CREDIT: Amanda Ghanooni.

JAN 16, 2019 Podcast

Ian Bremmer & Tom Nichols on Globalization, Populism, & American Politics

If populism is a reaction to a globalism that is viewed as unresponsive to the needs of citizens, can populism sustain any version of globalization? ...

JAN 14, 2019 Podcast

The Perfect Weapon: War, Sabotage, and Fear in the Cyber Age, with David Sanger

From the U.S. operation against Iran's nuclear enrichment plant, to Chinese theft of personal data, North Korea's financially motivated attacks on American companies, or ...

Mark Payumo in Manila last October with a Philippine National Police Officer, Pacific Fellow Tom Temprosa, & Devin Stewart. <br>CREDIT: Amanda Ghanooni.

JAN 10, 2019 Podcast

Securitizing Climate Change in the Philippines, with Mark Payumo

Now based in California, Mark Payumo previously served as a Philippine Army Special Forces officer. Reflecting on his recent Carnegie Council site visit to Manila ...

JAN 9, 2019 Podcast

Global Ethics Weekly: U.S. Defense Policy After Mattis, with Asha Castleberry

National security expert and U.S. Army veteran Asha Castleberry makes sense of a busy and seemingly chaotic time for the Department of Defense in ...