Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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APR 2, 2018 Podcast

Liberalism in the Philippines, with Lisandro Claudio

Populist leader President Duterte has killed thousands in his "war on drugs," idolizes Putin, and openly uses fake news and excessive nationalism to consolidate his ...

Indonesian National Police officers & protesters in Jakarta. November 2016. CREDIT: <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:411_protests_of_jakarta.jpg">AWG97 (CC)</a>

MAR 29, 2018 Podcast

Normalizing Intolerance in Indonesia, with Sandra Hamid

"Indonesian civil societies and academics are very good at collecting cases of discrimination," says Sandra Hamid, author of "Normalizing Intolerance." "But what we don't have ...

MAR 29, 2018 Podcast

Anti-Pluralism: The Populist Threat to Liberal Democracy, with William A. Galston

Some unpleasant truths for liberals, from William Galston: The rise of anti-pluralist populist movements is caused by a combination of economic factors and migration; we ...

MAR 28, 2018 Article

The United Nations, Human Rights, and American Disengagement

A new "Foreign Policy" article says that as the United States has disengaged from the United Nations, Russia and China have moved to fill the ...

Robert D. Kaplan. CREDIT: Amanda Ghanooni.

MAR 27, 2018 Podcast

Clip of the Month: What's America's Brand? It's Naval Power, with Robert D. Kaplan

Best-selling author Robert D. Kaplan describes America’s current role as a function of the immense power of the U.S. Navy. This provides great ...