Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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MAR 22, 2018 Podcast

Piety and Public Opinion: Understanding Indonesian Islam, with Tom Pepinksy

Are there differences in political, social, and economic attitudes among Indonesians--and Indonesian Muslims in particular--based on their levels of religious piety? Intriguingly, Tom Pepinsky and ...

Detail from book cover.

MAR 21, 2018 Podcast

The Origins of Happiness, with Richard Layard

Today we can accurately measure happiness and we know much more about its causes, says Professor Layard. It turns out that getting richer is often ...

Andrew Yang. CREDIT: Billy Pickett.

MAR 21, 2018 Podcast

The Case for Universal Basic Income, with Andrew Yang

Automation is causing the greatest shift in human history and will put millions of Americans out of work, says entrepreneur and 2020 presidential candidate Andrew Yang. ...

MAR 19, 2018 Article

Story of Service: Max Missel

Max Missel was born October 18, 1895 in Kovno, Russia (now Kaunas, Lithuania). Five-year old Max came to the United States with his mother Lipsa and his ...

MAR 19, 2018 Article

Uncertainties About America's Global Reliability

Doubts about America's reliability as a guarantor and support of the liberal international order have been increasing since the 2016 election. What impact is this having ...