Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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Declassified FBI report: "Our confidential source ascertained (...) that the bombing of the Cubana Airlines DC-8 was planned, in part, in Caracas, Venezuela, at two meetings attended by Morales Navarrete, Luis Posada Carriles and Frank Castro." <a href="https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu//NSAEBB/NSAEBB202/19761105.pdf"> U.S. Government doc</a>, public domain.

JAN 16, 2018 Article

A Tangled Embrace: What the JFK Papers Tell Us about the CIA's Anti-Castro Cuban Agents

In 1976, Cubana Flight 455 was brought down by a terrorist bomb. All 72 people aboard perished. Anti-Castro terrorist and longtime CIA asset Luis Posada is widely considered ...

Mural in Skid Row, Downtown Los Angeles. CREDIT: <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Phase_1_of_Skid_Row_Super_Mural.jpg">Stephen zeigler (CC)</a>

JAN 16, 2018 Podcast

Tackling Inequality in the United States, with "Born on Third Base" Chuck Collins

Chuck Collins grew up in a wealthy family and gave away his fortune at the age of 26, yet he realizes that he still has advantages ...

Ian Bremmer. CREDIT: Amanda Ghanooni

JAN 12, 2018 Podcast

Top Risks and Ethical Decisions 2018 with Eurasia Group's Ian Bremmer

Probably the most dangerous geopolitical environment in decades-China, AI, Trump, end of Pax Americana--yes, it's very bad. But all these challenges energize political scientist Ian ...

Vice Pres. Pence, Pres. Trump, National Security Adviser McMaster with U.S. military members, July 2017. CREDIT: <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Trump_Pence_McMaster_Lunch_Service_Members_18_July_2017-2.jpg">White House/Shealah Craighead</a>

JAN 10, 2018 Podcast

Deciphering the Middle East and Trump's National Security Stategy, with Asha Castleberry

Asha Castleberry, Fordham professor and U.S. Army veteran, describes her "mixed reaction" to Trump's National Security Strategy--touching on China and Russia, cybersecurity, and climate ...

Stephanie Sy and Philip Alston. CREDIT: Amanda Ghanooni

JAN 10, 2018 Podcast

Extreme Poverty in the United States, with the UN's Philip Alston

The UN's Philip Alston traveled across the U.S. recently and found appalling conditions, from homelessness in California to open sewage in rural Alabama. He ...