Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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Grand Central Terminal, New York City. CREDIT: <a href="https://pixabay.com/en/grand-central-station-new-york-690180/">Pixabay/Public Domain</a>

JAN 5, 2017 Article

Ethics, Undocumented Immigrants, and the Issue of Integration: Making a Better Life for Everyone in New York City

"Given that many undocumented immigrants live invisibly for a long time, the NYC Municipal ID card truly acknowledges their existence. It was, and still is, ...

CREDIT: <a href="https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47db-ab5c-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99">NYPL Collections</a>

JAN 5, 2017 Article

Process or End Goal: When to Begin Genocide Prevention

"This discussion ultimately will help the public to understand that preventative actions need to take place if violence is to be thwarted. We can't wait ...

Abraham T. Zere, writer/journalist in exile

DEC 30, 2016 Article

Eritrea: An Exiled Nation Suspended in Liminal Space through Social Media

Exiled Eritreans use social media to organize opposition against the tyrannical regime back home and to provide crucial information for the thousands of young migrants ...

Andreas Hatzigeorgiou in Stockholm, Sweden. CREDIT: Christian Gustavsson

DEC 22, 2016 Podcast

Andreas Hatzigeorgiou on Global Cities, Migration, and Stockholm's Economy

Stockholm is now the fastest growing capital in Europe, and Andreas Hatzigeorgiou brings a useful international perspective to his position as chief economist at the ...

DEC 21, 2016 Podcast

Indonesia's Growing Islamist Populism

November and December 2016 saw mass demonstrations in Jakarta, the largest protests in Indonesia's history. The demonstrators demanded that the city governor, an ethnic Chinese and ...