Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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ASEAN Headquarters, Jakarta. CREDIT: <a href=<"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_Southeast_Asian_Nations#/media/File:ASEAN_HQ_1.jpg">Gunawan Kartapranata</a> via Wikipedia

AUG 23, 2016 Podcast

The "Living, Breathing Modern Miracle" of ASEAN

Southeast Asia is the most diverse region on Earth, says Kishore Mahbubani, yet instead of a clash of civilizations, ASEAN is bringing about a fusion ...

CREDIT: <a href=" https://www.facebook.com/SelmaMovie/photos/a.492695297539481.1073741828.452786068197071/564156830393327/?type=3&theater">Paramount Pictures</a>

AUG 22, 2016 Article

Ethics on Film: Discussion of "Selma"

This stirring film gives a behind-the-scenes look at the Selma-to-Montgomery march and illustrates how and why King's strategy worked. It also shows the devastating consequences ...

AUG 22, 2016 Podcast

The Conscious Company

Corporate leaders are increasingly aware that businesses can provide a positive (or negative) impact on the environment and community. But how can conscious companies prioritize ...

Shanghai Selfie, March 2015. CREDIT: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/uketeecee/22500830257">Terry Chapman</a> <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/">(CC)</a>

AUG 19, 2016 Podcast

What the Realities in China Mean for U.S. Policy

A frequent visitor to China, Professor Eisenman is an astute observer of the cataclysmic changes taking place there, from the emptying-out of the countryside to ...

AUG 18, 2016 Podcast

Impact Podcast Preview: The Conscious Company

In part two of Impact's three-part series on conscious capitalism, we focus on the companies. How do corporate leaders effectively prioritize social benefit while still ...