Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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Signing of the U.S. Constitution by Howard Chandler Christy. Public Domain via <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington#/media/File:Scene_at_the_Signing_of_the_Constitution_of_the_United_States.jpg">Wikipedia</a>

AUG 1, 2016 Article

The U.S. Election Is a Referendum on American Values

Liberalism is the simple but powerful idea that freedom and equality are values worth defending. It has been a guiding light for U.S. politics ...

JUL 26, 2016 Podcast

Japan's Relationship with its Past and Future

Prime Minister Abe is the leading member of the small but powerful group Nippon Kaigi, which wants to turn its back on the international community ...

Orlando Letelier, Washington D.C., 1976. <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Orlando_Letelier,_Washingron_DC,_1976_(de_Marcelo_Montecino).jpg">Wikimedia</a>

JUL 19, 2016 Article

Codename: Chilbom

On a fall morning in 1976, a bomb exploded in the middle of Washington. The shock waves were felt for the next 30 years.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. CREDIT: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/csis_er/8509604657">CSIS</a> <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/">(CC)</a>

JUL 14, 2016 Podcast

Japan's Politics: A Move toward Nationalism or more of the Status Quo?

Was Prime Minister Abe's landslide victory in the July elections a vote of confidence in his ability to jump-start Japan's stagnant economy, or simply a ...

Toronto Refugee Collective.  Photo provided by Samantha Jackson

JUL 12, 2016 Article

Welcome to Canada: the Ryerson University Lifeline Syria Challenge

In just under a year, Toronto's universities raised more than CAD$4.3 million and helped 19 Syrian families (99 people) settle in Canada, with many more on the ...