Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

Latest Podcasts, Videos, & Articles

JUN 12, 2023 Podcast

C2GTalk: How can solar radiation modification governance account for different political and ethical perspectives? with Maarten van Aalst

Solar radiation modification may one day be needed to reduce climate risks, but great uncertainties remain, and more research and inclusive governance is needed to ...

JUN 5, 2023 Article

Are We Automating the Banality and Radicality of Evil?

Current iterations of AI are increasingly able to encourage subservience to a non-human master, telling potentially systematic untruths with emphatic confidence.

MAY 31, 2023 Article

To Engage or Not Engage: Ethical Challenges and Tradeoffs for U.S. Statecraft in 2023

Approaches for policymakers to consider when grappling with the ethical questions of whether and how to engage with authoritarian or increasingly illiberal states and actors.

MAY 31, 2023 Podcast

C2GTalk: How can the world put justice at the heart of governing climate-altering technologies? with Kumi Naidoo

Governing climate-altering technologies fairly will be very challenging, says Kumi Naidoo. Nonetheless, it will be crucial to put justice at the heart of these considerations.

MAY 30, 2023 Podcast

Expectations, with David Robson

In this episode, host Hilary Sutcliffe explores . . . expectation from another angle. Her guest David Robson delves into the science of expectation in his award-winning new ...