Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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MAY 24, 2023 Article

Silicon Valley is knowingly violating ethical AI principles. Society can’t respond if we let disagreements poison the debate.

With criticism of ChatGPT much in the news, we are also increasingly hearing about disagreements among thinkers who are critical of AI, writes Carnegie-Uehiro Fellow ...

empty United Nations General Assembly hall

MAY 22, 2023 Article

Sitting on the Sidelines: The Global Divide on Ukraine

Carnegie Council President Joel Rosenthal reflects on the global divide in relation to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

MAY 16, 2023 Podcast

Ourselves at Work, with Gabriella Braun

In this episode host Hilary Sutcliffe explores . . . ourselves at work from another angle. She talks with Gabriella Braun about her intriguing book "All That We ...

MAY 15, 2023 Podcast

C2GTalk: Should the Caribbean region be involved in solar radiation modification research? with Michael Taylor

Caribbean countries have led the global push to limit warming to 1.5°C because the impacts of going above that would be so severe for their ...

Space shuttle at night

MAY 12, 2023 Podcast

Ethics and the New Space Boom, with Brian Weeden

With a new space boom underway, ethical concerns are emerging regarding the responsibilities of new actors and how to adapt space governance policies to protect ...