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Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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CREDIT: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/vhines200/9002153230/" target="_blank">vhines200</a>

JAN 21, 2016 Article

Rethinking U.S. Strategy Towards China

"To improve U.S. policy towards China to avoid, and yet be prepared for, conflict requires going beyond simplistic applications of international relations theory. It ...

Shanghai. CREDIT: <a href="http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-185853827/stock-photo-asia-s-largest-across-the-rivers-in-shanghai-landmarks-a-spiral-bridge-at-night.html?src=Sniqj-ldwHJP3j-MdbonZg-2-22" target="_blank">Shutterstock</a>

JAN 21, 2016 Article

Asia in the 21st Century: Strategic Realignments amidst a Changing Balance of Power

Despite some setbacks, to the extent that quantifiable indices of power matter, and the historical evidence shows that they do, America's international position bids fair ...

CREDIT:  <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/jeroenakkermans/24637623679/">Border, Macedonia-Greece, FEb 2016.  Jeroen Akkermans</a> (<a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/">CC</a>)

JAN 21, 2016 Article

Rising Fences: Migrants, Borders, and a New Frontier for Ethics

"What will 2015 be remembered for? The image that comes to mind is 'rising fences.' If we took a satellite photo of the planet, that ...

Jawaharlal Nehru signing the Indian Constitution in 1950.

JAN 15, 2016 Podcast

Sujata Gadkar-Wilcox Discusses the Indian Constitution

Quinnipiac professor Sujata Gadkar-Wilcox recently spent three months researching the Indian Constitution in Delhi. In this talk, she details the document's framework, its main architect ...

JAN 15, 2016 Podcast

Winter is Coming: Why Vladimir Putin and the Enemies of the Free World Must be Stopped

Garry Kasparov is an outspoken critic of Vladimir Putin's authoritarianism, but he is equally critical of the United States and its allies for their unwillingness ...