Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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OCT 7, 2015 Podcast

Karenna Gore on Faith Communities and the Environment

Karenna Gore, daughter of Al Gore and director of the Center for Earth Ethics, discusses how faith communities (including indigenous peoples) are rallying to combat ...

CREDIT: <a href="http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-225437089/stock-photo-vatican-city-vatican-october-pope-francis-greets-the-pilgrims-during-his-weekly-general.html">Shutterstock</a>

OCT 5, 2015 Podcast

Pope Francis Among the Wolves: The Inside Story of a Revolution

Francis is the first pope who wasn't born in a village, says Vatican expert Marco Politi, but in a mega-city with many social-economic levels and ...

Presidents Obama and Putin at UN Luncheon, September 28, 2015. CREDIT: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/un_photo/21769577406" target="_blank">United Nations Photo</a>

OCT 1, 2015 Article

Messrs. Obama and Putin: Put Syria and Syrians First

While the U.S. and Russia disagree over the fate of Assad, they share a self-interested resolve to defeat the ISIL forces that now control ...

OCT 1, 2015 Podcast

NATO in the 21st Century: Addressing New and Urgent Challenges

NATO is now in its third historical phase, says U.S. Ambassador to NATO Douglas Lute in this informative, useful talk. "There is now a ...

SEP 29, 2015 Podcast

Can Human-Centered Design "Fix" Humanitarian Aid?

Design thinking has emerged as a new tool in humanitarianism. Proponents of the trend believe it can solve the problem long plaguing the aid community: ...