Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

Latest Podcasts, Videos, & Articles

MAR 24, 2015 Podcast

Introduction to "Ethics & International Affairs," Spring 2015

In this podcast, Zach Dorfman introduces the spring 2015 issue of "Ethics & International Affairs." Topics include a symposium on imagining a "Drone Accountability Regime"; Liberia, Ebola, ...

MAR 24, 2015 Podcast

The Eleventh Hour: The Legacy and the Lessons of World War I

One hundred years after the First World War, boundaries established after the armistice at the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" ...

Russian President Vladimir Putin attends anniversary of Kievan Rus in Kiev, Ukraine.<br>CREDIT: <a href= "http://tinyurl.com/kclt6ff">Slavko Sereda via Shutterstock</a>

MAR 23, 2015 Article

Russia's Orthodox Soft Power

Russia's values are often overlooked, or treated simplistically as the antithesis of Western values. We should understand that the close relationship between the Orthodox Church ...

CREDIT: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/dimitratzanos/4582405583">Dimitra Tzanos</a> (<a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/">CC</a>).

MAR 23, 2015 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: Africa's Rising GDP Numbers

African countries are recalculating their gross domestic products to include previously unaccounted economic activities. Is it a strategy of these countries to market themselves or ...

MAR 20, 2015 Podcast

The Kurdish Spring: A New Map of the Middle East

In this stirring, information-filled talk on the Kurdish people, David Phillips recounts centuries of abuse and repression against the world's "largest stateless people." But he ...