Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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Adam Roberts in Sarajevo. CREDIT: Irfan Redzovic

SEP 3, 2014 Podcast

Legal and Moral International Norms Since 1914

"What lessons has humankind learned from the events of 1914 in Sarajevo? And are there further lessons that we should have learned, but didn't? Have our ...

Ivo Banac in Sarajevo. CREDIT: Irfan Redzovic

SEP 3, 2014 Podcast

War and Reconciliation in the Twentieth-Century Balkans

What are the remedies for the endless cycles of violence in the Balkans? Croatian historian Ivo Banac examines various solutions that have been tried and ...

Michael Ignatieff, Joel Rosenthal, George Rupp, Mustafa Cerić, Adam Roberts, David Rodin, and Ivo Banac (L to R). <br>CREDIT: Irfan Redzovic

SEP 3, 2014 Podcast

Sarajevo Panel Discussion

In this wide-ranging conversation, participants from the Sarajevo Symposium discuss the past, present, and future of the former Yugoslav states with a focus on Bosnia ...

SEP 3, 2014 Podcast

Sarajevo Symposium, Closing Remarks

"We have all got to live with each other. There will be Serbs here in a thousand years, Croats here in a thousand years. We're ...

Chayuan, Gansu Province. Credit: Green Camel Bell

SEP 2, 2014 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: Zhao Zhong: Lessons from the Bottom Up

After an accident where nature nearly took his life, Zhao Zhong has been on a mission to protect the environment in his homeland of China.