Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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Huang Yu-fen & Wei Yang of the Sunflower Movement

APR 23, 2014 Podcast

Taiwan's Student Sunflower Movement: Interview with Two of its Leaders

In an unprecedented event this Spring, the Sunflower Student Movement occupied Taiwan's Legislative Yuan for over three weeks. The students finally withdrew after the government ...

The Evolution of a Corporate Idealist: When Girl Meets Oil

APR 17, 2014 Podcast

The Evolution of a Corporate Idealist: When Girl Meets Oil

How can corporations work to prevent human rights violations on their watch, as well as disasters like the BP Deepwater Horizon explosion? Christine Bader discusses ...

1917 Poster, U.S. Food Administration, from the <a href="http://docsteach.org/documents/512621/detail?menu=closed&mode=search&sortBy=era&q=world+war+poster&commit=Go&page=1">National Archives</a>.

APR 17, 2014 Article

Jingo Unchained: What World War I Wrought

When we think about the centenary of World War I in 2014, we should consider first and foremost what it has meant for the life of ...

APR 16, 2014 Article

Dance of the Furies: Michael Neiberg on Europe and the Outbreak of World War I

"It is impossible for me to see how a Second World War, a Holocaust, a Cold War, a globally-engaged United States, and decolonization could happen ...

CREDIT: <a href="http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-168137429/stock-photo-breaking-chain-group-as-a-business-concept-for-organization-stress-and-partnership-failure-as-a.html?src=belUKHfXDLO2u8hg6G5JMw-1-42">Shutterstock</a>

APR 16, 2014 Article

Ukraine, The Great Powers, Budapest, and "Astheneia"

Was it unethical for the United States to give Ukraine non-binding security guarantees as an inducement for giving up nuclear weapons?