Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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SEP 27, 2013 Article

Ethical Challenges in Trans-Pacific Relations: Selected Essays, 2013 Contest

Carnegie Council presents the 12 best essays from our 2013 Trans-Pacific Contest, a pioneering exercise in student collaboration. These outstanding pieces touch on issues ranging from the ...

SEP 27, 2013 Podcast

U.S. Policy on Iran and the Middle East: Where Do We Go From Here?

Are we on the brink of a new era in Iran-U.S. relations? Maybe. Iran expert Gary Sick discusses President Rouhani's UN speech, which took ...

SEP 26, 2013 Podcast

Immigration Reform: Truths, Myths, and Politics

The great wave of illegal immigration to the United States is over, says Edward Schumacher-Matos. Our real challenge now is what to do with those 11–12 ...

CREDIT: &copy; <a href="http://www.ipmglobal.org/">International Partnership for Microbicides</a>.

SEP 26, 2013 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Innovations: New Family Planning Technologies Expand Options for Women

New sexual and reproductive health innovations have the potential to revolutionize options for women by diversifying delivery forms, varying product duration, and targeting multiple health ...

SEP 25, 2013 Podcast

The Ethics of Hacking Back: Cybersecurity and Active Network Defense

The Internet is "a global free fire zone," yet it is illegal for companies to hack back against cyber attacks--although rumor has it that many ...