Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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CREDIT: <a href ="http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-151731818/stock-vector-distressed-syria-chemical-weapon-graphic.html?src=WElREIA3ZW_TvZ7WoiPnmw-1-0">Syria chemical weapon graphic</a> via Shutterstock

SEP 25, 2013 Article

Syria and the Just Use of Force Short of War

The Obama administration has spoken of punishing the Assad regime, of deterring future attacks, of reinforcing the norm against chemical weapons use, and of diminishing ...

Photo by HealthyMond on Unsplash

SEP 24, 2013 Article

Ethics Primer Part II: Concepts and Methodologies

The core of ethics and international affairs can be accessed through three normative concepts: pluralism; rights and responsibilities; and fairness. A standard method of inquiry ...

Question mark on tree

SEP 24, 2013 Article

Ethics Primer Part I: Background and Theories

The discipline of ethics begins with Socrates’ question: How should one live? Ethics is about choice. What values guide us? What standards do we use? ...

SEP 23, 2013 Article

Threats Beyond the Headlines

“The Fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.” So begins Isaiah Berlin’s essay, “The Hedgehog and Fox.” One year after ...

SEP 23, 2013 Podcast

Hezbollah: The Global Footprint of Lebanon's Party of God

Created and armed by Iran, Hezbollah's reach stretches around the world, including inside the United States. Matthew Levitt traces its terrifying activities and discusses how ...