Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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MAR 18, 2013 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Will China Finally Turn on North Korea?

A recent nuclear test and renewed threats from North Korea has led to new sanctions from the UN Security Council. Does this mean that China's ...

MAR 15, 2013 Podcast

Public Affairs: Everybody Matters: My Life Giving Voice

In this inspiring talk about her extraordinary life so far, Mary Robinson tells us of her early years and how she became president of Ireland, ...

Berkeley Pit, Montana. CREDIT: <a href="http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/image_feature_697.html">NASA</a> (<a href="http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Berkeley_Pit_Butte,_Montana.jpg">wikimedia</a>)

MAR 13, 2013 Podcast

Shefa Siegel on the Ethics of Mining

Mining harms the environment irreversibly, yet this is often ignored, and mining is on the increase, often without clear ecological or economic development benefits. "We're ...

CREDIT:  <a href="http://cdn-media.hollywood.com/images/l/zerodarkthirtychastain_1390B94.jpg">Sony Pictures</a>

MAR 11, 2013 Article

Ethics on Film: Discussion of "Zero Dark Thirty"

A fictional adaptation of the CIA's hunt for Osama bin Laden, this blockbuster has reignited the debate surrounding the CIA's use of "enhanced interrogation techniques"...

MAR 11, 2013 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: What Will Be Hugo Chávez’s Legacy?

The world's eyes are on Venezuela as Hugo Chavez's death leaves many questions. Will he be remembered as a champion of the poor or will ...