Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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NOV 19, 2012 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Should Adultery be Illegal for Military Personnel?

Although he was allegedly retired from the military when the affair took place, the scandal surrounding David Petraeus highlights the different ethical standard that members ...

NOV 16, 2012 Podcast

Innovation and Leadership in 21st Century Media

So you want to be an innovator and a leader: How can you make your internship/job application stand out? How can you use social ...

NOV 15, 2012 Podcast

B Corps: Companies With a Social Mission in Their DNA

There used to only be two types of businesses--non-profits and for-profits. Benefit corporations, or B Corps, are now finding a way to do both. B ...

NOV 12, 2012 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: How Should the Media Cover Natural Disasters?

As Superstorm Sandy made clear, natural disasters can wreak havoc on rich and poor countries, alike. However, the Western media's coverage often tilts away from ...

Drone in Afghanistan, 2009. CREDIT: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/david_axe/4094266433/">David Axe</a> (<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/deed.en">CC</a>)

NOV 6, 2012 Article

The New Assassination Bureau: On the 'Robotic Turn' in Contemporary War

When the film "2001" first came out, the plot--in which a robot faces an ethical decision--seemed like pure science fiction. Today it's becoming reality. This essay ...