Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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MAY 25, 2012 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: What Does Chen Guangcheng's Arrival in the U.S. Mean for Human Rights in China?

With Chen Guangcheng now in the United States on a student visa, a diplomatic nightmare has been averted for the Obama administration. But this compromise ...

CREDIT: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/togawanderings/6991578886/" target="_blank">ToGa Wanderings (CC)</a>

MAY 23, 2012 Article

Coming Unstuck

What is the role of the nation-state in a globalizing world? The need is not for a relinquishment of national identity per se, but for ...

Promise and Peril: America at the Dawn of a Global Age

MAY 22, 2012 Article

What We Talk About When We Talk About Isolationism

Today, American supremacy is assumed rather than argued for: in an age of tremendous political division, it is a bipartisan first principle of foreign policy. ...

MAY 22, 2012 Podcast

The Intersection of Global Health and Business

How can global health be improved?  PepsiCo executive Derek Yach speaks about the positive changes corporations are making, and Professor Yanzhong Huang discusses China's health ...

MAY 18, 2012 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Should Universities be Giving so Many Ph.D.'s?

A Ph.D. used to be a ticket to a comfortable career in academia. But, in recent years, increasing numbers of Ph.D.'s have ...