Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power

MAY 9, 2012 Podcast

Public Affairs: Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power

ExxonMobil is rather like France, says Steve Coll. It's mostly aligned with the U.S; it's sometimes opposed, but a lot of the time it's ...

OWS protesters, Bryant Park, May Day 2012.<br> CREDIT: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/weeklydig/6988465184/" terget="blank">Weekly Dig</a>

MAY 8, 2012 Podcast

The Evolution of Occupy Wall Street

In less than a year, Occupy Wall Street (OWS) has re-energized the conversation about income inequality, provided a forum for a wide array of causes, ...

MAY 8, 2012 Podcast

Ethics Matter: Dov Seidman, a Moral Philosopher in a Suit

Leadership is going from being command-and-control to connect-and-collaborate; from inspecting for trust to giving it away; and from discussing success towards significance: "If we make ...

MAY 4, 2012 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: When Are Drones Strikes Ethical?

President Obama's top counterterrorism adviser recently defended drone strikes, saying they are legal, wise, and moral. But, citing international law, many critics question this approach, ...

EcoArk close up. CREDIT: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/kovis/5264997352/in/photostream/" target=_blank">Kovis</a>

MAY 2, 2012 Podcast

Green Asia

Nobuo Tanaka sees diverse energy sources--including nuclear--as the key to Asia's future and Arthur Huang is the inventor of "POLLI-bricks." This pair of interviews illustrates ...