Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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JUN 28, 2022 Podcast

The Doorstep: Responding to Putin's War of Attrition, with Atlantic Council's Melinda Haring

As the fifth month of Russia's invasion of Ukraine begins, Atlantic Council's Melinda Haring returns to speak with "Doorstep" co-hosts Nick Gvosdev and Tatiana Serafin ...

JUN 27, 2022 Podcast

Should American Nonprofits Work In China? with Freedom House's Michael Abramowitz

For decades, American nonprofits and philanthropies worked with Chinese citizens and the Chinese Communist Party. But over the last several years, the space for foreign ...

JUN 22, 2022 Podcast

Is AI Upending Geopolitics? with Angela Kane

In this episode of the "Artificial Intelligence & Equality Initiative" podcast, Carnegie-Uehiro Fellow Wendell Wallach is joined by Angela Kane, a chair of the United Nations ...

JUN 17, 2022 Article

The United Nations: A Distinct and Exceptional Purpose

"The United Nations stands as the preeminent symbol and hope for the universal aspirations of human society," writes Carnegie Council President Joel Rosenthal in this ...

JUN 15, 2022 Podcast

The Doorstep: How Much Will the Global Supply Chain Crisis Cost? with Peter Sand

Inflation and a bear market are dominating headlines. Efforts to curb costs and boost markets, like the Ocean Shipping Reform Act, should help. Logistics analyst ...