Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade

NOV 29, 2011 Podcast

The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade

In 2010, global military expenditure was roughly $1.6 trillion--that's $235 for every person on earth. This has profound impacts, from the perpetuation of conflict, to the corrosion of ...

Scales of Justice, Old Bailey, London. Photo by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/billogs/" target=_blank>Billogs</a>.

NOV 28, 2011 Podcast

Ian Hurd on International Law and Security

"I would disagree with those who suggest international law doesn't really matter. If we look at what states do, they work very hard to marshal ...

NOV 25, 2011 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: HIV Prevention and Behavior Change in Africa: Are Western-Imported Methods Working?

Are Western-imported methods for fighting HIV/AIDS working in Sub-Saharan Africa? Some critics argue that campaigns more aligned with traditional African values could be more ...

NOV 23, 2011 Podcast

Report from Iran

Dr. Larijani, Iran's secretary general of the High Council for Human Rights, describes Iran's system as a "democratic structure based on Islamic rationality," and engages ...

NOV 22, 2011 Podcast

George F. Kennan: An American Life

George Kennan was one of the great men of the 20th century, says John Lewis Gaddis. And he was great in multiple dimensions: as the ...