Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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NOV 21, 2011 Podcast

Re-Imagining a Global Ethic

"A global ethic makes it possible for us to agree to disagree about ultimate questions, provided we have the philosophical clarity that comes from that ...

The Think Tank Initiative

NOV 21, 2011 Article

Philanthropic Foundations, Think Tanks, and Development: Understanding and Assessing the Think Tank Initiative

Can think tanks really facilitate growth? How robust are the Think Tank Initiative's evaluative and accountability processes? Measuring how the TTI fares will not only ...

NOV 18, 2011 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Privacy and Responsibility on the Internet: Who Should Control your Identity on the Web?

Who should control your Internet identity? In an age when bills are paid via PayPal, relationships are forged over Facebook, and revolutions are fueled by ...

NOV 18, 2011 Podcast

International Reporting and the Brave New World of New Journalism

Veteran journalist Barbara Crossette discusses how international reporting has changed dramatically over the last few decades: new dangers, new competitors, and new ethical and professional ...

Vladimir Putin <br> CREDIT: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/44666479@N00/17535478/" target="_blank">inkjetprinter (CC)</a>

NOV 16, 2011 Article

Putin and his Russia Don't Deserve the Bad Rap

Let's look at some of the most serious accusations leveled at Putin and his Russia. In the right light, we see Russia and Putin have ...