Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

Latest Podcasts, Videos, & Articles

MAY 18, 2022 Podcast

America's Great-Power Opportunity, with Ali Wyne

As Russia's war in Ukraine deepens and China’s influence continues to grow, many observers say the United States is entering an era of “great-power ...

MAY 13, 2022 Article

Ethics As We Know it is Gone. It's Time for Ethics Re-envisioned.

Given the troubling state of international affairs there is reason to be greatly concerned about how ethics is framed or co-opted. To meet this moment, ...

MAY 10, 2022 Podcast

Making Decisions When Values Conflict or Are Prioritized Differently, with Paul Root Wolpe

In this Artificial Intelligence & Equality podcast, Carnegie-Uehiro Fellow Wendell Wallach sits down with Emory University's Professor Paul Root Wolpe for a thought-provoking conversation about the ...

MAY 9, 2022 Podcast

Any Progress in Building Moral Machines? with Colin Allen

Much has been said about the inability of tech and AI developers to grapple with ethical theory and inherent tension. Similarly, philosophers are often criticized ...

MAY 6, 2022 Podcast

For Companies, Could China Be the Next Russia? with Perth Tolle

Isaac Stone Fish and finance expert Perth Tolle discuss the global economic backlash to Russia after the Ukraine invasion, China, and much more.