Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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AUG 5, 2011 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Cyberwar Strategy: Defensive or Offensive?

Governments and corporations are under serious and growing threat from cyber attacks. Which do you favor: a strategy that seeks out hackers and punishes them ...

AUG 1, 2011 Podcast

Ireland's Tough Path to Economic Recovery

What brought down the Celtic Tiger and will it rise again? Barry O'Leary, head of IDA Ireland (Industrial Development Agency), explains how and why Ireland ...

JUL 29, 2011 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Norway: When Belief Justifies Murder

The power of belief is terrifying. Do you believe anything strongly enough to take a life without the sanction of authorities? Can any belief justify ...

JUL 29, 2011 Article

Tragedy, Then Farce: Israel, Palestine, the United States, and the UN Vote for Palestinian Statehood

When it comes to the question of a Palestinian state, anything is possible. Which, given the frustrating and enduring problems attendant to the issue, is ...

JUL 28, 2011 Podcast

Education for Employment Foundation: New Opportunities for Middle East Youth

Carnegie Council's David Speedie and Ronald Bruder, founder of the Education for Employment Foundation, discuss the Foundation's work in providing job training for at-risk youth ...