Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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MAY 5, 2022 Podcast

The Doorstep: Can Putin Be Prosecuted for War Crimes? with NYU Law's Ryan Goodman

Ahead of a May 6 international conference in Lithuania on steps to create a tribunal to hold Russia accountable for alleged war crimes and genocide in ...

MAY 3, 2022 Article

Why Democracy vs. Autocracy Misses the Point

Today, the world seems to be laser-focused on the struggle of "democracy vs. autocracy," but what if this ideological debate is missing the point? Columbia ...

MAY 2, 2022 Podcast

C2GTalk: How has the governance of solar radiation modification progressed in recent years? with Oliver Morton

The debate around solar radiation modification has broadened in recent years, but there has not yet been significant progress on international mechanisms to govern it, ...

APR 27, 2022 Podcast

The Genesis Machine: Our Quest to Rewrite Life in the Age of Synthetic Biology, with Amy Webb

The global pandemic and investments in mRNA COVID vaccines have accelerated worldwide interest in the field of synthetic biology--a field that unifies chemistry, biology, computer ...

APR 26, 2022 Podcast

The Promise & Peril of Brain Machine Interfaces, with Ricardo Chavarriaga

In this "Artificial Intelligence & Equality" podcast, Senior Fellow Anja Kaspersen talks with Dr. Ricardo Chavarriaga about the promise and peril of brain-machine interfaces and cognitive ...