Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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JUN 10, 2011 Podcast

John Brademas and Mickey Edwards: Civility in Politics

Two distinguished former politicians, one Democrat and one Republican, agree on concrete proposals for improving U.S. politics. They include campaign finance reform; abolishing gerrymandering; ...

Moscow's Red Square. CREDIT: <ahref="http://www.flickr.com/photos/javisitges/3659272667/" target=_blank">Giikah</a>

JUN 10, 2011 Podcast

Mikhail Reznikov on Working to Bring Democracy to Russia

When Krieble Institute representatives from the U.S. first visited Russia, it was "like a collision of civilizations," recalls Reznikov. He got involved in Russian ...

JUN 10, 2011 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Is There A 'Third Way' to Engage China?

The Chinese economy and defense budget have grown at an enormous rate over the past five years. Do you think that this will lead to ...

Image from book cover WAR

JUN 3, 2011 Podcast


In this thoughtful and very personal talk, Junger ponders what attracts young men to war, the difference between friendship and brotherhood, the question of when ...

JUN 3, 2011 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Southern Sudan: Would You Declare War?

Within weeks of independence for Southern Sudan, the Northern Sudanese Army annexed the disputed town of Abyei. Should Southern Sudan respond militarily, risking a larger ...