Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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MAR 18, 2011 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Health Dollars and Polio

Bill Gates is spending one billion dollars in two years to eradicate polio. Although a deadly and crippling disease, it is extremely hard to end ...

MAR 16, 2011 Podcast

Media in Contemporary Russia

What is the current situation of journalism in Russia today, where 70 percent of media is owned by the state? The Council welcomes a delegation of ...

MAR 11, 2011 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Turkey, Islam, and Democracy

Turkey's democracy has been extolled as a model in the Middle East, but has also been belittled for its creeping authoritarianism. Does Turkey offer hope ...

Tverskoy Boulevard, Moscow, by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/serger/4228564541/in/set-72157617558243504/" target=_blank">Sergey Rodovnichenko </a>

MAR 10, 2011 Article

Reflections from Moscow

After a recent visit to Moscow, David Speedie casts a sympathetic eye on Russia's contradictions and societal stresses--with particular focus on its heroin and HIV/...

MAR 9, 2011 Podcast

Interview with John Tessitore, Editor of Ethics & International Affairs Journal

As Ethics & International Affairs journal celebrates its 25th anniversary and its move to Cambridge University Press, Editor John Tessitore discusses the journal's mission, its themes, ...