Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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AUG 20, 2010 Article

Can We Succeed Where Carnegie Failed?

The same Dunfermline-born Andrew Carnegie who spent his wealth on funding libraries and other grand institutions across Britain and America died a disappointed man, having ...

Cartoon by Art Young. Carnegie Council Archive

AUG 20, 2010 Article

Can We Succeed Where Carnegie Failed?

Carnegie's belief was that nations could resolve disputes without resorting to war. He worked hard to create mechanisms for achieving peace, but his hopes were ...

AUG 20, 2010 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Enjoying, Managing, or Restoring Trout

Should national parks introduce non-native species for recreational purposes, or focus on preserving the parks' natural state?

CREDIT: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/usarmyafrica/4036215477/" target="_blank">U.S. Army Africa</a>

AUG 19, 2010 Article

Should We Stop the Next Genocide?

Should the United States, as the world's greatest military power, use its might to prevent the next outbreak of ethnic violence from turning into a ...

AUG 18, 2010 Article

Is Peace Worth Fighting For?

Transcript of a speech at a August 18, 2010 Scottish Parliament’s Festival of Politics event, “Is Peace Worth Fighting For?“ “My remarks today are inspired not ...