Explore & Engage

Framing ethical perspectives and engaging with a global audience

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MAY 7, 2010 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: The U.S.: Shedding Hegemony with Grace

Should the U.S. shed some global ambitions and responsibilities? Or, is America's global role simply too important, both to the U.S. and the ...

MAY 7, 2010 Podcast

China in the 21st Century: Devin Stewart Interviews Jeffrey Wasserstrom

In this lively discussion, topics include China's diversity, its "net nanny" approach to the internet, and why China and the U.S. are more alike ...

Adm. Mullen testifies at Senate Armed Services Committee  <br> CREDIT: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/thejointstaff/4325376893/in/set-72157623335956302/" target=_blank">DoD photo, Cherie Cullen</a>

MAY 4, 2010 Article

This Is about Leadership: The Circular Debate of the Military's Gay Ban

In August 2010, three months after writing this article, West Point Cadet Katherine Miller publicly announced she was gay and resigned from West Point, saying that "...

APR 30, 2010 Article

Rise of the Rest

The Council's "Rise of the Rest" project focuses not on decline of existing powers but on the emergence of others. The U.S. should accept ...

APR 30, 2010 Podcast

How the Economy Works: Confidence, Crashes, and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

We need to synthesize the idea that a free-market economy is a self-correcting mechanism and the Keynesian principle that capitalism needs some guidance, says UCLA ...